

Monday, March 30, 2009


Yesterday when I woke up it was sunny and clear, then when I was getting ready for church it was cloudy and gloomy, then when I got out of church there was a blizzard! Mom's feet were really cold cause she wore flip flops. The weather is so confusing.

After church we got dressed up in our snow stuff and played in the yard. Mom and I hit all of the snow off the rose bush. I laid in the snow and had lots of fun. When I was sitting there in the snow and Prince the cat come up to me and made me giggle. Then Mom threw some snow at him and he vamoosed. I whitewashed myself a couple of times but it was okay. Snow tastes yummy.

Just don't tell my mom I ate some.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Diced Carrots!

My outfit is ridiculous, but I helped pick it out.

Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Day!

Wow, yesterday was tons of fun. First, I went to church with Mom and Dad. Dad kept trying to get me to be quiet during sacrament meeting but... well, it's impossible.

After that we drove for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, looooooong time to Grandma and Nana Hargis's house. I got to play with some funky toys, I met a turtle and I tried mandarin oranges. Can you say yum? I can't... but I still liked it. Uncle Mitchell let me play with some of his toys. They were balls but then they popped open and weren't round anymore! They were called Baklava or something like that.

I'm pretty pooped today. Mom and I cleaned up and now we're chillin'. Yay.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Le Me.

I was super fussy today even though my allergies didn't bother me.

Grandpa Twede carried me around in the backpack today. It was such an adventure! He unloaded the truck with me on his back and we played with the dogs, it was exhausting.

Speaking of exhausting, I totally tuckered my mom out. I feel bad for her... maybe tomorrow I'll give her extra kisses or I'll take a nap without crying forever...... No, I'll just give her extra kisses.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Mission failed.

Unable to access kitchen and box of cookies.

So, the tooth that was such a big secret has gone back up into my gums. What kind of a world is this where teeth appear and then disappear? Oh, Grammit is home from the hospital now. She still can't hold me, le sigh, but at least she can give me kisses.

I creeped Daddy out tonight. He came into the room about twenty minutes after I was put to bed and he found me sitting up with Patrick and looking around... It was nice until he laid me back down. Le sigh, again.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Our song

Every time I have a dirty diaper, Mom and I sing a song.

Here it is.

Oh, my poopy bum baby,
Oh, my poopy bum pal.
Oh, my poopy bum darlin',
Oh, my poopy bum gal.

You're diaper's so sick,
Better change your bum super quick!

Oh, my poopy bum baby,
Oh, my poopy bum pal.
Oh, my poopy bum darlin',
Oh, my poopy bum gal!

It's a little repetitive but Mom and I sing it anyway.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Shhh! Don't let my mom know I'm telling you this... It's a secret. It's why I've been so grumpy, but of course, I don't want them to know... them as in... my parents!

Okay... you ready?

-peak over shoulder to make sure Mom is still cleaning up the mess from breakfast-

My top tooth is coming in!

It explains everything. The lack of desire to go to sleep, the needing to be held, the screaming when I get my teeth brushed, it all fits!......... Just don't tell my parents.

You are sworn to secrecy!

Raise your right hand and repeat after me, "I Blankity Blank Blankerz, swear on all my toys, books, ice cubes, puppies, giggles, binkies, Patricks, toes, headbands and Squinchie faces that I will not tell Addyson Presley Hansen's parents about her tooth. So help me Barney, Cinderella and Snow White. Hallelujah, amen."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The vacuum is an evil thing. It's loud and I don't like it... even when it's off. However, I do like Dad's work radio... that Mom and I take over when we clean.

Here are some pictures and stuff of me. You may make adoring sounds, everybody does. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings

I've been very upset the past two nights. I'm going to vent to all of you who actually love me! My parents have been trying to put me to bed an hour, that's right, an hour earlier than normal. They say the time changed and that even though I feel like I should go to bed at ten, I have to go at nine, which is actually eight? I'm so confused!

Please, somebody save me! Somebody tell them not to put me to bed early. What'll I do without that extra hour of play time, whining and all around babyishness?!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Full on Squinchie

This is a Squinchie Face. Now practice with me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My mom caught me crawling today. As soon as I saw that she was watching I flopped onto my belly and started whining for her to pick me up. She laughed.

And she wonders why I won't crawl in front of her.

I really like the wind. Mom took me outside a couple of times yesterday and it was awesome. I hung out with Grammit and Grannpit last night while Mom helped Uncle Matt with his taxes and Dad shaved a dog. I got so excited I almost jumped off laps. It stinks that I love dogs so much but I can't touch them... Allergies. Bleh.

I'm so excited for summer! I can't wait to wear nothin' but my diaper and go outside and run around. Mom is excited, too, but not as much as me!

Mom and Dad bought a little tub to hold my toys. So after I'm done playing, Mom and I put the toys away. Which I don't really understand, why can't I just have them everywhere so I can play with them whenever!

Silly Mom's, trying to keep things picked up. Blah ha ha... not for long...