

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Drove Mom Crazy!

I had a jolly day today. Mom was on the computer registering for school (who needs that? Useless) and I was playing in the family room while she was doing that and here's a list of the things I did while waiting for her to finish.

1. Climbed on the treadmill, then tried to climb into my stroller but got stuck halfway because I accidentally pushed the stroller away from the treadmill. So I was half way on half way off with my legs flailing about.
2. Climbed on the couch and grabbed a stack (about 25 papers) of documents from the printer and scattered them around the room.
3. Found a piece of cake Daddy left lying around and grabbed a handful of it and ate it, then I ran from Mom when she was trying to wipe my face.
4. Found a piece of Chase's Tootsie roll and ate it, then I ran away when Mom tried getting it out of my mouth.
5. I kept pushing the stroller into the back of Mom's chair and laughing when she'd turn around and see what it was.
6. I figured out how to open the DVD player and grabbed The Office DVD that was in there and began chewing on it.
7. Climbed on the fireplace and danced when Mom said "No, No Addy!"

I gotta say, it was a very productive day for me.

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