

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So Close!

Lately I've been trying to crawl. Mostly it consists of me flinging myself forward onto my stomach, then flopping onto my back, being unable/unwilling to roll onto my stomach again, then crying until everybody stops laughing and puts me upright again.

I love cuddling with my mom. The past two days when she's been holding me, I lay my cheek against her shoulder, and start talking to her and she says things like, "Uh huh," "Mmhmm," and "Oooh." I know she'll always be a good listener when I need someone to talk to.

Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep so Mommy and I were all alone in our room and we said a little prayer. It really helped.

I can't wait to have a new car seat. I have very nearly outgrown the one I'm in. Mom and Dad saw a pink one they like. I like it, too. It's pretty.

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