

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Corn, Whitney Houston and Nazis

Can I just tell you... Corn on the cob is the best invention ever. I lurve it. The sweet little kernels bursting in my mouth, and when I'm halfway done with it... I can feed it to a dog! Okay, so my mom doesn't like that part because she says I should eat it all but the dog should be able to taste the corny deliciousness.

I think corn has helped my singing voice too because I've been doing it a lot lately. My next post will be The Addyson Hansen Concert Series. I have a solo and a duet with Pops Hansen that I'll put on there. I sound like Whitney Houston... when she was good.

Guitar Hero is... almost as good as corn. I can play the guitar, well, alright, I just sling it around my body and try to walk with it without tripping. I'm also supa dupa at the drums. I sit on Dad's lap and help him when it's his turn. He won't let me put the sticks in my mouth though so I've started throwing temper tantrums.

And that segues nicely into my next topic, why won't my mom and dad give me whatever I want, when I want it?! What is this with saying please and thank you. I've got please down, it's fine. But thank you?! My mom's decided to not give me what I want until I say it. Now I have to say please and thank you before I get anything. What is this?! Is my mom the Hitler reincarnate? I've discussed it before but I'm really thinking it's true. Not only that, but she says next week she's taking me off the binky FOR GOOD. Next thing you know, she'll take Patrick away!!!

Sorry, I had to take a couple of deep, calming breaths.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get my parents to bend to my will, I'd much appreciate any guidance you have. I'd prefer something that won't get me nose in the corner, so please keep that in mind.

Until next time... doo da doo doo, doo da doo doo, doo da doo doo (how many of those are there until the end of that song?!) doo da doo doo, doo da doo doo, etc, etc, etc.

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