St. George was so awesome. I'll take you through it day by day.
Friday: My parents got me up ridiculously early and we drove for eighteen days to Beaver. We went to the dairy there and got squeaky cheese. Yeah, I'm not a fan. I spit it out as soon as it went into my mouth. After that we drove another forty seven weeks until we got to St. George. We had Wendy's and went to the park. Dad, Papa, and Matt were playing with a Frisbee and I got to play with the other one. I held it on my arm like a purse.
Well, Mom, Grammit, Kenzie and Kersty wanted to get out of the sun so we sat under the gazebo (guuuuh zeeeee boooooooooe). There was a huge rain puddle and Mom let me play in it. It was awesome. Cold. But awesome. While I was there a little (satanic, evil) bird hopped up next to me. I clutched my chest and sidestepped so fast The Flash woulda been left behind. And the bird wouldn't go away! Kenzie tried to scare it and it just hopped around her to the other side of the gazebo. I was, from that moment on, scared of the bushes.
After the park and the bird fiasco, we went to the hotel and then swimming in the pool! It was so fun. Except that it was cold. But while I was in there, suddenly my dad starts getting attacked by Matt and Papa. He's fighting them off like a watery ninja shark warrior. I get scared, I'm thinkin', "Where's Tony Jaa when I need him?" But just then, Dad won the fight. Papa and Matt were left bloodied and bruised while my father stood over them in triumph and pounded his chest.
Needless to say, after such a long day and no nap, I was pooped. We went to Chili's for dinner, I fell asleep in the car on the way over. Dad got me out of the car and I fought to stay away, my eyes kept closing but then we got to the door of the restaurant and they had some rockin' tunes so I woke up enough to dance.
While we're sitting at the table my head starts nodding. Matt begins to tickle my arms and my head droops further, then Dad starts tickling my face and it's lucky his other hand was on the table otherwise I would have smashed my purdy teeth out. Dinner was good, I ate the mandarine oranges like a crazy woman. Scooping all of them into my mouth at one time. It was awesome.
Later while my parents and Matt and Kenzie went shopping, Grammit and Papa took me back to the hotel. I ran down the corridor to the pool and begged, "PLEASE!" for them to let me in... to no avail.
I slept well.
Saturday: We woke up, got a
deluxe continental breakfast and got ready for the hike. We went to Snow Canyon and decided on the Three Ponds trail. I could have hiked just fine with my own two feet but the 'rents insisted that I should be put in the backpack like a potato put into a sack when it can walk just fine. It was so pretty. The rocks were red and there were lizards! I didn't like the backpack but I sure liked being outdoors. I kept leaning to one side so I could see past Dad's nog' and he had to lean the other way to compensate. Here's the video of when we stopped to look around. I whined enough to get out of the backpack and scout around on my own... well, Matt was there... and Kenzie and Dad and Mom and Kerstin and Papa... but whatever guys.
This is the end of the hike when Dad decided to run down the trail with me in the pack. Is there such a thing as Bouncy Baby Syndrome?
When we got home from the hike we swam again. Then we went to the park again and had a picnic with the family.
After that we went to Tuacahn to see Thriller. We were standing there, minding our own businesses when ZOMBIES started coming at us. One girl stole Dad's hat and gimped away. After that, I pointed at every one of them I saw, in order to warn my family. They didn't get too close so I was okay but then we went to sit in our seats and they came down the aisles. One was trying to get Lauren and when he grunted and scared her, I started crying. Big ol' crocodile tears. Mom was prepared though and she gave me Patrick and a binky and I was fine on Papa's lap. I sat through the entire play. I watched and danced and was super quiet the whole time. I. am. awesome.
Sunday: It was a sad day because we had to go buh bye but I was brave. When we packed everything up and said buh bye to everyone we went on an adventure... to Grandma Varner's house! I haven't seen her in a coon's age. haha, funny expression. I had so much fun playing with the toy's she pulled out for me. She had puppies, too! PUPPIES, I tell you! And a kitty. The kitty kept batting at me and I didn't like it but G-ma Varner said she was just playing around. Oh, oh, oh! She gave me a cell phone! Can you believe it? My very own cell phone, I texted, I called, I conquered. She also showed me her pond. Mom wouldn't let me swim in it. Rude. I was so glad to see Grandma Varner, I told Mom we have to go visit again. SOON.
After that we drove 231,803,451 years back home. It was nice to be there but I liked being on vacation.
Well, that's all for my adventures in Southern Utah. I had a lot of fun and can't wait for next year. We're gunna see Tarzan! I sincerely hope there will be no zombies.