

Friday, March 5, 2010


Wow, the aquarium was so cool... but it was crowded! Some of the big kids wouldn't move so I could see. It made me sad. Daddy said he'd teach me how to punch though so I can move the rude kids away next time we go. Mom disapproves but I saw the look in her eyes...

The giant octopus and sea horses were my favorite parts. There was a big pool of water too! There were these things called Sting Rays and they swim and you can touch them... Dad tried making me touch them and I did not want to. I just wanted to play in the water. Here's a little video showing some of my reactions. Most of the stuff my mom got on the camera wasn't great. There were lots of people and it was really loud. I can't wait to go to the zoo next!

Update on my stuffed animal militia... I do not trust the Webkins.

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