

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Shining Beacon!

There is a large, lighted tree in my house. I go to bed one night, wake up the next morning... and it's there. And my parents don't seem to have a problem with it?! My mom gets upset if I try to bring leaves, rocks, or bugs into the house... and yet an entire tree is okay?!

Double standard. Alright, so I don't know exactly what that means but I heard someone, somewhere saying it and I believe it applies here.

Not only is this big, beautiful tree taking up a corner of our itsy, bitsy apartment... I can't touch it! Do you know how many times I've had Nose in the Corner since Sunday morning?! I even counted how many times. Two, free, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten, two, free... yeah, that's a lot. Papa and everybody came over the other night for dinner, I took it upon myself to warn Papa that if he touched the tree, he'd have to do NitC.

I met Kerstin's boyfriend that night, too. He seemed nice... and I had him in the palm of my hand within moments! Muwahahahahaaa!

Oh man, today when my mom dropped me off for daycare, Teacher Jody and Teacher Mandy were outside raking leaves and I wanted to hang out with them... And they let me! I was so helpful. Then when I got cold, I asked to be taken inside with the rest of my class. Yeah... pretty much awesome.

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